and The Curse rears its ugly head.......
Once again, The Curse has taken its toll on the New York Yankees.
It doesn't matter if its the Diamondbacks in 2001, the Angels in 2002, the Marlins in 2003, or amazingly the Red Sox in 2004, the Yankees ALWAYS find a way to lose in the end. It must be hard for them, going up against so much pressure to overcome the four years of bitter agony. Always coming close, but falling just short in the end. Its a wonder the fans keep coming back after all the torture they have been through.
But you just knew the Yankees were going to choke, I mean they always do. It's really a bad idea for Yankee fans to get their hopes up, because it's in their nature to blow it right when the big game is on the line. I feel sorry for Yankee fans, who have endured nearly five years worth of misery and misfortune.
All I would ask them is: what did you expect? If you're cursed, well then, you're cursed. There's not much you can do about it.
You can't mess with fate.